TinyColor is a micro framework for inputting colors and outputting colors as different formats. Input is meant to be as permissive as possible.
Read all the documentation on the TinyColor project page on github.
View the annotated source code or see the full source on github.
Enter a color:
Or try these: red 0f0 rgb 255 128 128 hsl(0, 100%, 50%) hsv 0, 100%, 50%
And I'll tell you what I know about it:
hex: #960064 hex8: #960064ff rgb: rgb(150, 0, 100) hsl: hsl(320, 100%, 29%) hsv: hsv(320, 100%, 59%) name: none format: rgb format string: rgb(150, 0, 100)
Lighten | |
Darken | |
Saturate | |
Desaturate | |
Greyscale | |
Brighten | |
Most Readable |
Triad |
Tetrad |
Monochromatic |
Analogous |
Split Complements |
Developed by Brian Grinstead. Big thanks to the following places: